Business & ITC & Public Administration Consultant

2008. október 21., kedd

Dokumentumok mappa áthelyezése!

Megoldás az első problémámra (Nyilván nem én találtam meg hanem a cégem supportja)

Azt nem értem, hogy a Microsoft miért nem publikálja ezt az OLTÁRI jó megoldást.
"Here’s how to relocate the Documents folder:

Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the empty drive that you want to use to store data, and create new folders for each of the existing folders you want to move. If you’re the only user on your computer, you can put them in the root of the drive: E:\Documents, E:\Music, and so on. If you’re planning to use the drive to store data for two or more users, you should create a separate top-level folder for each user and then create subfolders for each type of data: E:\Ed\Documents, etc.
Click Start and click the bold user name at the top of the right column in the Start menu. This opens your profile folder.
Right-click the icon for the Documents folder and choose Properties.

On the Location tab, click the Move button.
In the Select a Destination dialog box, double-click Computer, double-click the icon for your data drive (E: in this example), and select the folder you want to use as the new location. Don’t double-click this folder, just click to select it.
Click Select Folder to return to the Location tab, and then click OK. You will see two dialog boxes:
Do you still want to proceed and redirect to ? Click Yes.
Would you like to move all of the files in your old location to the new location…? Click Yes. (If you click No, the original folder remains intact and you risk having documents split between the two locations.)
That’s it. You can now repeat the process for Music, Pictures, Videos, and any other data folders you want to use. When you click the Documents shortcut on the Start menu, it takes you to the new location, which appears to be in the same old location. In the Vista namespace, your profile folder always appears under the Desktop, and each link in that folder points to the location you specify. So you can leave some folders (especially those you rarely use) in the original location and just move those that are chock full of data."

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